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Winners Second Session RC17
Best Feature and Docs

2 nd Place
CRONUS dir. by Derek Presley
Best Shorts Films & Docs

Best Doc
Korean Dog Meat Expose dir. by James Hyams
Best Mistery Short
Mr. Dentonn dir. by Ivan Villamel
Best Short
Sprinkles dir. by R. Scheck

Best Cinematography
Shadow dir. by Yu Han
Best Actor
Dustin Ardine in The Red Oak
Best Animation
Cuerdas dir. by Pedro Solís García

Best Thriller Script
Dakota Caves by Robert J. Rogers
Best Dramedy Script
Tenerife by Terez Koncz

Best Mobile Film
iMedium dir. by Alfonso García lópez
Best Story
The Lover Up dir. by Mahmoud Shoolizadeh
Best Trailer
Oltre la linea Gialla Dir. by Andrea Cacciavillani
Special Script Awards

Jury Award
Triskel by Brian Palmer

Best Story in Script
Callie Earlene by Scott Simpson

Best Trailer
Banned for 12 Years dir. by Mohsen Amiryoussefi
Interested in hiring us for one of your special events? Let's Talk.
"I participated in the RCF and I was greatly surprised by high level of competition that is present in it. I am honored for having participated."
Jane Harris - PSO group
"Great, Sensational. I won the last edition."
Donn McGreen- Grace Hospital
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