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Winners First Session RC17
Best Feature and Docs

1st Place
SLASHER.COM dir. by Chip Gubera
2 nd Place
PierPaolo dir. by M. Angel Barroso​
3 rd Place
The 5 Year dir. by J. Christopher ​
Best Shorts Films & Docs

Best Student Film
Motel Motel dir. by Ellen J. Babeliowsky
Best Animation Short
You Got a Problem dir. by C. Mandracchia
Best Short
PostPartum dir. by R.Bakewell
Best Short
PostPartum dir. by R.Bakewell
Best Animation Short
You Got a Problem dir. by C. Mandracchia
Best Student Film
Motel Motel dir. by Ellen J. Babeliowsky

Best Cinematography
For one dir. by M. Rivolier
Best Comedy Animation
Socks dir. by Tristan Weis
Best Director
The Courtesy of Angels dir. by V. Théodore

Best Acting in the Competition
Living Idle dir. by Mrs. Satyaramana

Best Dance
Death and The Maiden dir. by M. Di Stefano
Best Mobile Film
Unnatural Selection dir. by Mir Afgan Talpur

Best Idea
His First Time dir. by Angel Violet
Best Film in Competition
Stand Up dir. by Giacomo Mantovani

Best Script
Best Script RCFF
Santa Klawn writer Jeffrey Lee DuPree
Innovative Story
Zombie Effect writer Roger Sampson
Special Awards

Jury Award
BUFFALO dir. by Michael McCallum
Best 35-16 mm
Pechorin dir. by Roman Khrushch​
Best FANTASY Feature
NEXOS dir. by Karlos Alastruey​

Best Trailer
Banned for 12 Years dir. by Mohsen Amiryoussefi
Interested in hiring us for one of your special events? Let's Talk.​
"I participated in the RCF and I was greatly surprised by high level of competition that is present in it. I am honored for having participated."
Jane Harris - PSO group
"Great, Sensational. I won the last edition."
Donn McGreen- Grace Hospital
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